College life is rarely associated with relaxation or tranquility, but thanks to student organizations such as the Dungeon Crawlers club at SSU, finding such moments is easier than one might expect. In Dungeon Crawlers, members may come together to play not only Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) but also an array of other tabletop games. The club, which has over 40 members, fosters a welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone on campus, including both students and faculty, regardless of their experience with the many games offered, including D&D.
The club’s president, Gabe Sheppard, emphasized that everyone is welcome to join, whether they wish to play or simply observe.
“Our main purpose is to encourage people to come together and play different types of games, whether it be an RPG (roleplaying game) or a board game,” Sheppard explained.
As such, members of the Dungeon Crawlers club can receive guidance and support from others to learn how to play D&D and other tabletop games if they desire. Additionally, those who are interested may have the opportunity to serve as a dungeon master (the person who creates and oversees a D&D campaign), provided they are knowledgeable and ready to take on the role.
Beyond playing various tabletop games, Dungeon Crawlers also hosts seasonal events, such as their upcoming Christmas event that’s currently in the works, typically with activities and refreshments such as movies, candy and pizza. The club also holds a raffle where members’ names are entered each time they attend a meeting. At the end of each month, a wheel is spun with names added according to the number of meetings each member attended. The winner receives $25 worth of anything tabletop-related they may desire, such as a board game, dice, books and more. Since the club meets every Friday at 6:30 p.m. in room 020 of Massie Hall, a member’s name could be entered up to five times in a given month.
In addition to these many engaging activities, Sheppard revealed, “We do have a larger event that I won’t go into a lot of detail on that should be coming in the spring semester.”
“We’re really hoping to make it big– it’ll be a big roleplaying event, essentially,” he added.
Anyone interested in joining the Dungeon Crawlers may either simply show up to any of their meetings or join their Discord server by scanning the QR code below. When asked if there was anything else he’d like to add, Sheppard concluded with, “Anyone can come and play, and have fellowship and fun together as a campus community.”