(Re)covering Appalachia

Photo pulled from Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/events/471257023726165/

Erin Rice

Appalachia has forever been stereotyped as an area full of poor, uneducated, lazy people who are “stuck in time.” All of these preconceived notions have led to Appalachians believing these negative views. It’s time we as a people fight against the stereotypes which held our region down for far too long. Shawnee State University is hosting a symposium about getting to the truth of this region. The (Re)covering Appalachia Symposium will be hosted on campus from October 31 until November 2. Each day offers more insights on this region of America.

On October 31, the sessions will be the Economic Development and Recovery discussion panel at 2:00 PM followed by music from the Hills at Patties & Pints at 5:30 PM

November 1’s sessions include the War on Poverty Workshop with David Bradley at 9:00 AM, followed by The War on Poverty Today discussion panel at 2:30 PM.

November 2 holds the final session of the Appalachian Myth-Busting discussion panel at 2:30 and then the Keynote Public Lecture by Elizabeth Catte at 6:30 PM

According to their flyer, “The symposium is sponsored by the Digital Appalachian Studies Program at Shawnee State University and is made possible in part through grants from the Community Action Organization of Scioto County, the Portsmouth City Health Department, the Friends of Portsmouth, the Scioto Foundation, and the Shawnee Fund of the SSU Development Foundation.”

For more information on the symposium, visit their website at: https://digitalappalachia.org/