Registration is Around the Corner
October 25, 2019
It’s that time of year again: registering classes for the upcoming spring semester begins on Monday, October 28. All students who are not graduating in December must meet with their respective advisors to be cleared for registration.
One important aspect to remember before registering is to bring a degree audit when meeting with an advisor. This will allow for the advisor to help students more efficiently, not to mention some advisors will not clear students if they fail to bring their audit to the meeting. Students can find a copy of their degree audit on their MySSU account. It can be found by clicking the “Student” tab, scrolling down to the degree audit portlet and clicking “View All Details”, then clicking the link “View My Degree Audit” in the bottom left corner of the portlet. The audit can be printed from there.
Registration begins on Monday October 28 at 12:00 AM for seniors and special status groups. These special status groups include veterans, graduate students, honors program students, Shawnee State University student-athletes, and special needs students as individually identified by disability services. Priority registration will continue throughout the week, opening at midnight each night for the following; juniors on October 29, sophomores on October 30, and freshmen on October 31.
Be sure to check for any potential registration restrictions before registering for classes. Typical restrictions are from the bursar (money owed) or the Dean of Students/Student Affairs, where a student has not completed an assigned activity.
For more information, visit the Student Success Center on the first floor of Massie!